How to Improve and Expand Your Vocabulary?

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Some people say that they just want to improve their conversation in English without making any attempt to increase their word or grammar knowledge. In fact, it should be noted that your proficiency in English cannot be taken for granted. The following are intended to help you to boost your vocabulary:

  1. Make vocabulary learning one of your daily habits. Develop an insatiable appetite for hunting new words.
  2. Use a separate notebook for new English words you learn every day. To have more motivation, you can put a number before new words you learn. In this way, the more words you learn, the more motivated you will become. And you can also know how many words you have learnt after a particular period of time, for example, a week.
  3. Your vocabulary notebook could be an electronic one. In other words, you may also like to create a Microsoft Office Word document on your computer and add your new words to the file. In so doing, you can edit the entire document day in, day out, by, for instance, alphabetising, tablising, underlying, highlighting, etc. your new words. 
  4. Make sure to review the precious collection of your vocabulary at fixed intervals, for instance, every two weeks.
  5. You can make words stick in your mind by making sentences with them. With the help of this technique, your vocabulary will change from passive to active.
  6.  Finding antonyms and synonyms could also be another good technique. In this response, you can learn several other words through just one word.
  7. You can also enrich your word knowledge by learning different parts of speech of a single word. Parts of speech are the derivatives of a word, such as adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs. For instance, take the verb ‘agree’. Here are its other parts of speech: noun (agreement), adjective (agreeable) and adverb (agreeably).
  8. Depending on the words you learn, sometimes you can illustrate them to form a more lasting memory of them in your mind.
  9. Furthermore, knowing the etymology (origin) of words could turn out to be so interesting and helpful in gaining a more lasting mastery of the words. For the sake of simplicity, when you know that the word ‘motel’ is the combination of two other words (motor + hotel), you will certainly remember the word much better.
  10. Categorisation of words is another useful technique. For instance, you can make a list of all the appliances in the kitchen such as: refrigerator, oven, microwave, cupboard, knife, plate, spoon, fork, etc. A picture dictionary could be of great help in this way.
  11. In your daily conversations, particularly with your friends, try to use your newly learnt words. Remember that some people know many words theoretically, but when it comes to practice, they fail to use them practically.
  12. Remember that if English were a house, its words would be likened to its bricks. And you cannot imaging a house (English) without any bricks (English vocabulary). On the other hand, bear in mind that behind each word, there is an entire world. As a result, it’s really worth spending some time every day on vocabulary enrichment.
  13. In the end, in this era, lots of words are coined every day, and this makes English as the international language rather difficult in terms of vocabulary. To be more precise, no matter how great your word knowledge is, you should not consider any end to that. In other words, learning English vocabulary is endless, and you need to update your information continuously.
Author: Hossein Hariri

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